
newsletter 02/2024


Raised in Air Hands with Drawn Hearts on Palms against Light Background

Welcome to our newsletter.

The aim of this newsletter is to unite the community and provide a ​platform for interaction among residents. Expect to receive valuable ​updates on topics that impact your daily life here in Jaldarshan.

Get ready to dive into the fascinating stories, experiences, and ​insights.

Stay tuned for a weekly dose of inspiration and connection as we ​celebrate the richness of our community.

Dereliction of Duty?

On 14th November 2022. on a hint from a local newspaper of damage ​in the rock boundary of Babulnath Mandir, the MC took immediate ​action and approached the L&T engineers to check on the rock ​boundaries of Jaldarshan premises.

Earlier, on August 13th 2022 and August 22 there were three incidents ​of rock falling.

All of us are witnesses to those incidents or its images posted on the ​‘Jaldarshan Glory’ and ‘JD Manthan’ whatsapp group.

Five days later, on 18th August 2022 a SGM was held with as few as ​14 attendees and a resolution was passed allocating an unsafe section ​on the rear side, right under the rock boundaries, to a lady member for ​carrying on her philanthropic activity for feeding animals.

As of now, the resolution stands since the member’s requests to grant ​her the spot in front of the shops has been rejected by the MC.

13 votes were cast.

8 votes for allotting the rear side and 5 votes against.

One MC member abstained from voting.

6% of Jaldarshan’s members, primarily members of the managing ​committee, sanctioned the endangered section for the member to ​carry on her activity.

11% of the members attended the SGM.

Currently, the member continues to work in a secure area of the ​building, contrary to the MC's instructions and the agenda ​sanctioned during the SGM.

The question is - What is the MC doing about this?

The answer is - Nothing.

There could be two reasons for this impasse-

An assurance of protection provided by the police to the member in ​case there are any obstacles to her work.

And/or a 24 member petition submitted to the MC requesting a safe ​section be provided to the member.

Another thought-provoking question to contemplate:

Who is responsible for neglecting their duties?

Is it the MC for failing to implement the SGM resolution, or should we, ​as members, take accountability for our lack of empathy and absence ​at the SGM?

Change The Problem!

Resolved that the members and ​the children have the right to play ​games and sports of their choice ​in the Jaldarshan garden.

That said The managing committee ​submits that The garden area it is ​bounded by the rocks the Asha ​Nagar, and the Hyderabad estate ​garden & is possible to have ​things falling snakes, coming out, ​etc.

In case anybody chooses to use ​the space for any activity they will ​be doing so at their own risk and ​liability without any liability to the ​managing committee whatsoever.

Fast forward to the SGM held on 23rd April 2024

Preferring a pristine turf over children playing ball games in the ​garden, a prolonged and intense four-and-a-half-hour debate ​ensued between the MC and the general body. The management ​committee unexpectedly shifted focus from the demand for a ​manicured turf to insisting on an indemnity bond to cover potential ​risks such as snakes and falling rocks.

If you are unable to solve a problem,

try changing the problem.

Moral courage is the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

We’re all aware of the outcome of this SGM which will ​undoubtedly become a significant chapter in our community's ​historical records. The proposal to record this meeting on video ​was a remarkable idea, and will be cherished for showcasing the ​impact of unity for generations to come.

The question is-

Was it necessary for us to fight and resist just to secure a ​fundamental right for our children?

Was it essential to make our senior citizens stay for this meeting ​long after their usual meal and rest times?

The safety and dignity of Jaldarshan's members appear to be ​open to negotiation.

A Brief History Of Jaldarshan

This may be a refresher for some and interesting history for some.

Jal Darshan stands on what was once the ‘Jai Mahal Palace’ - A ​residential estate of sorts belonging to the His Highness Maharaja ​Fatehsingh Gaikwad of Baroda.

The process of procurement of the land and the proposal of a ​residential complex began in June 1963.

The completion certificate was awarded on the 18th of November ​1970.

Moral courage is the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

The Column Of Insight.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport, it's a ​participatory event. If we don't participate in it, it ​ceases to be a democracy.”

  • - michael moore

The decisions made by our chosen representatives impact our ​lives in various ways.

Even if we choose not to actively engage in discussions or ​participate in the democratic process.

Therefore, It is essential to stay informed and be aware of your ​rights and privileges.

By being knowledgeable you can navigate the complexities of ​politics and manipulation.

Your participation today will shape the future your children ​will inherit tomorrow.